Updates! 4/14/14


Hey all, sorry we’ve been so quiet lately. There’s been a lot going on these last couple weeks and to be honest we’ve been so busy making the game we pushed the dev blog to a lower priority. We’re in the home stretch, and every minute counts!


The long story short, is that we’re still implementing previously created content. We have all the pieces and now we’re putting them together. Some key players have contributed all they’re going to contribute, which is exciting, and others have a lot of work ahead of them. Here’s the state of the game and the key contributors as of right now:


Main Menu: Code complete, creative elements unfinished

White Wing: Completely done, 4 sound effects remain unimplemented

Green Wing: Code complete barring a couple small bugs, creative elements complete, music implemented, SFX unimplemented

Yellow Wing: Completely done, 2 sound effects remain unimplemented

Pink Wing: Boss developed and in state of implementation, creative elements complete, sound effects to be implemented

Red Wing: Boss developed and in state of implementation, creative elements in state of implementation, sound effects to be implemented

The Hub: NPC to be implemented, music implemented, 4 SFX to be implemented, code complete



Our awesome audio team is finishing up their work, our external artist is completely done as of a couple days ago, and Justin is essentially done with his work except for polish on existing pieces.



  • Implement audio
  • Finish Wrath fight
  • Finish menu elements


  • Implement NPCs
  • Finish Lust fight


  • Bug fixes
  • Implement boss drops



It’s gonna be close, but we’ll definitely have something awesome in the end. But enough wasting time here, I need to get back to work!

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